Stable Asset Class
Stable Asset Class
Art is a long term reliable asset that appreciates over time. Unlike stocks or other investments, the art market has proven to withstand times of economic uncertainty and does not tend to go up and down in value based on market fluctuations.

Art investments have become a popular way to diversify a traditional portfolio and offset potential losses whilst generating good returns. We see financial institutions continuously expanding their art services to encapsulate advisory, lending, and investment, as a strategy to safeguard and grow assets.

Investing in Art provides multi-faceted value, not only a monetary investment, it has social, intellectual, cultural and aesthetic value.

Owning an Art collection carries a certain level of prestige not found amongst other asset classes. It adds a sense of luxury and prestige to any space, and infers status to its owner.

Social Value
Social Value
Art is a fundamental element of human expression. It evokes thought and emotion, whilst inspiring conversation and dialogue. We have seen art shape and mold culture throughout history and it continues to provide insight into values, ideologies and beliefs that transcend languages and borders.

Consumed & Enjoyed
Consumed & Enjoyed
Unlike other investments, Art is something to be consumed and enjoyed, and its consumption in no way diminishes its value. It can provide endless enjoyment, which can then be passed on to the next generation to continue to benefit from both its aesthetic and financial value.

Hedge Against Inflation
Hedge Against Inflation
Having a low correlation to stocks makes Art a useful hedge against market volatility. Art prices tend to move inversely with real interest rates and rise during inflationary periods, making it a good hedge against inflation.